Increase energy efficiency and aesthetic appeal of your home by replacing your old windows. Whole house window replacement can increase overall curb appeal, maintain your home’s temperature and lighting more efficiently, and increase resale value. There are numerous benefits to replacing old broken windows.
Energy Efficiency
One of the biggest benefits to replacing your old windows is a noticeable drop in energy costs. Whole house window replacement with energy star products will winterize your home and increase the overall curb appeal of your residence. Reduce heating costs and decrease unwanted drafts in the winter. Believe it or not, over seventy percent of your home heat loss is due to older single pane windows.
Newer windows have multiple panes, durable framing, and also reduce noise pollution. Easier to maintain, they can handle the extreme weather conditions outside. They reduce demands on cooling and heating systems incredibly, by up to twenty-five percent. Enjoy a comfortable, beautiful home.
Many older windows have little or no insulation. This can be due to cracks in the framing, poor weather stripping, and single pane design. Newer windows provide excellent insulation for your family. Low-e coating (low thermal emissivity) reflects solar waves. They also provide additional UV protection, helping your walls, fabric, artwork, and furniture last longer without sun damage.
Lower Insurance Costs
Did you know that you can potentially lower your overall home insurance costs with new windows? Ask your window replacement specialist today about adding windows with multiple locks and added security.
Your home is your castle. Enjoy the comforts of home with new windows. Consider improving your quality of life for decades to come.