With energy prices creeping back up after a long hibernation it’s time to start thinking about finally replacing your old windows with state-of-the-art Vinylbilt windows from Superior Home Improvements. Vinylbilt replacement windows are premium replacement windows that will ramp up the curb appeal on your home to an absurd degree and save you money on your energy bills from the day they’re installed. There are actually a number of ways that having Superior install replacement windows will do that and below we’ll look at 4 of them.
A Cut Above Other Window Companies in Richmond Hill
While there are a number of window companies in Richmond Hill most are actually just window installation companies. Whereas at Superior Home Improvements we both make and install our Vinylbilt replacement windows. Being involved in both ends of the equation means we have a more well-rounded knowledge of vinyl replacement windows and the many ways they save you energy. Here are 4 of those ways:
- By preventing hot air from leaking out in the winter – This is the one everyone thinks about and for good reason. It’s clearly the biggest reason to install vinyl replacement windows and represents the lion’s share of the savings you’ll experience. But preventing that hot air you paid so dearly to heat from escaping is not the only way vinyl replacement windows save you energy.
- By keeping cold air in during the summer – Many homeowners (even those with central air conditioning systems) don’t associate double or triple pane replacement windows with savings during the summer. But they should. Multipane windows will prevent hot air from weaselling its way into your home during the dog days of summer and will prevent all that nice cool air from seeping out into the atmosphere as well.
- By keeping the UV rays out – During those dog days of summer heat gain from UV light coming through the windows can be substantial. If you have the company that installs your replacement windows install a UV film on the windows you’ll really ratchet up the energy savings because you’ll not only keep that nice air conditioned air inside the house, your air conditioning system doesn’t have to work as hard because there’s virtually no heat gain from the windows.
- By plugging leaks in the walls – The energy that’s lost via the windows doesn’t only go through the glass (though most of it does). It also seeps out around the sides where the integrity of the window frame has been compromised by age or rot or loose rivets. By installing new Vinylbilt windows you correct these flaws in the window frame and prevent even more energy from escaping to the great outdoors that doesn’t need it.
Superior Home Improvements is not like other window companies in Richmond Hill. We make what we sell and we install it too so you can be sure you’re getting the highest quality replacement windows available today. Give us a call on 416-287-0333 to find out more.