Installing new replacement windows in your home is a way to improve your home’s curb appeal and provide extra insulation and energy efficiency to your home. Window glass repair is a relatively simple process. There are several steps you can take to prepare your home for replacement window installation.
Easy Access
One of the first steps that you need to take when preparing for window installation is providing the installers a cleared path to the window. Window glass repair involves moving large sheets of glass and other dangerous materials. It is important that the pathway is clear of debris and that the installers can access the room easily. Prevent accidents by moving aside furniture and any objects that are blocking doorways and stairs.
Window Dressing
Remove any curtains and window dressing you may have. As a safety precaution, you might want to remove an additional furniture, picture frames, and breakable items near the window. This will prevent unwanted accidents during final installation.
Dust and Dirt
Cover your furniture and floors with plastic coverings to prevent dirt and paint from getting on your belongings. Sometimes installation involves painting and sanding. The dust and dirt can damage walls, floors, and furniture. Take the time to speak with installers about what you should do to prepare for the installation. You may need to arrange for your family to spend the day outside the home if you are having multiple windows replaced in a single day.
Access, Pets, and Children
Be sure that you allow the installers to access your home inside and out. You can speak with your installers about what time they need to come in. Set up a schedule that works for you. Make sure that someone is present during the installation. If you have children or pets, plan to have them outside the home with a caregiver during the installation. You can kennel your dogs and keep them out of the way of the installers. Pets and children may become frightened during installation. Keep this in mind. Installing replacement windows can be simple. Prepare your home for installation with these professional tips.