If you own an older home there are likely any number of home improvement projects you’d like to engage in during the coming year. They’ve all got their relative values with some being practical and some being aesthetic. Prioritizing is the key to making sure both you and your house enjoy optimal benefits from these different projects. Obviously, projects that are solely aesthetic in nature should take a back seat to projects that result in practical improvements. And any project that delivers both substantial aesthetic and functional benefits should be right at the top of the list. In most cases that means window replacement.
The Importance of Replacement Windows on Richmond Hill Homes
No other home improvement project provides a comparable level of both practical and aesthetic benefits as window replacement. Here are 4 good reasons why you should prioritize window replacement over other projects.
- Significant energy savings – Depending on the state of your current windows you could potentially save 25 to 50% on your heating bills by replacing your old windows with high quality Vinylbilt windows. Many homeowners simply don’t make the connection between the size of their heating bills and their windows. But no other single component of your home’s exterior plays a more central role in either allowing heat to escape or keeping it inside.
- Increased home value – According to readily available study results you can expect replacement windows to add more than $10,000 to the value of your home. Window replacement is also one of the most cost-effective types of home improvement typically producing a return on investment in the 75 to 80% range; roughly on par with a backyard deck and nearly as high as a kitchen remodel.
- Increase home safety – Rickety old windows on Richmond Hill homes may have a certain type of charm but beyond the fact that they’re energy drains they’re also security risks. It doesn’t take much effort for a burglar to break a single pane of glass and gain entry. Nor is it much work to pry open an old window with a rotten frame. A simple screwdriver will typically do that job. By replacing your old windows you greatly reduce the chance of a window-based home intrusion.
- A healthier home environment – Single pane windows that are loose in their frames not only allow heat to escape they also allow cold drafts to circulate inside the house, forcing everyone to bundle up and increasing their susceptibility to colds and flu. In addition moisture is allowed to penetrate and can result in the growth of dangerous molds. Vinyl replacement windows can effectively remove these health hazards.
Making window replacement a priority this year makes a lot of sense. Replacement windows make Richmond Hill homes warmer, healthier, safer, more valuable and better looking. That’s a lot of benefits for one home improvement project. Contact the pros at Superior Home Improvement on 416-287-0333 to learn more about our how our state-of-the-art Vinylbilt windows can help you get the most from your home.