There are many choices to be made when you decide to have a window replacement done, one of the main ones being the material used to construct the window frames. Much is made of the pros and cons of each available option, but if you have settled on a vinyl window replacement, it’s time to start thinking about the type of windows that you would like to have installed. As they occupy such a prominent position on all sides of your home, your windows can have a considerable impact upon how aesthetically pleasing the exterior of your home is perceived to be. As a company that has been in business for over 40 years, we’ve built a reputation that many of our competitors envy through hard work and an unwavering commitment to our clients. Part of the process when having a vinyl window replacement carried out at your property is getting to know each window style and determining which would be the ideal fit.
Which Option Should You Choose for Your Vinyl Window Replacement?
There are simply too many different types of windows to list on a single page, but below we are going to discuss some of the main ones you should consider for your vinyl window replacement. If you go for a walk around Scarborough, Richmond Hill, Markham or Durham, you are likely to see numerous examples of each of these window styles.
- Casement – You may see casement style windows installed singly, but they are often installed in pairs and feature a hinge on one of the sides. Due to the type of hinge and its placement, casement style windows open very much like a door, swinging either inwards or outwards. They were the window of choice hundreds of years ago (at a time when a vinyl window replacement definitely wouldn’t have been available), before the sash window was invented, but nowadays are relatively undervalued given the number of advantages they offer, which include their ability to form an air-tight deal and an easy-to-use opening and closing mechanism. .
- Awning – Awning windows are very much like casement style windows except the hinge is located on the top of the window rather than on one of the sides. In most cases their width exceeds their height and they open in an outward direction. The main advantage that this type of window provides is that it allows for full side-to-side ventilation as the sash opens fully; something casement windows can’t claim to do. Awning style windows are most commonly selected for basement areas to ensure sufficient light and air is able to enter the space. .
- Single-Hung – If you live in a newer property it most likely has single-hung windows as they are the “default” option for homebuilders nowadays. With this type of window, rather than the window moving outwards or inwards horizontally, it moves up and down vertically. The main advantages of this type of window is that they are generally cheaper to install than most other options (coming in at as much as 20 percent cheaper than double-hung windows), but you do have to put up with restricted ventilation and the fact that the design makes them harder to clean. Just in case you were wondering, it’s nearly always the bottom sash that moves, not the top one. .
- Double-Hung – If you didn’t know what double-hung windows were before you started reading this page, you can probably take a pretty good guess now. That’s right, on a double-hung window both of the sashes can be moved (again, they move upwards and downwards), which not only improves performance in terms of ventilation (double-hung models can often be tilted too, whereas single-hung windows can’t!), but it makes them easier to clean and increases the number of design options available. .
- Bay – This type of window is tailor made for a living room area and really opens up the space, allowing bucket-loads of natural light to flood through into your home. If you’re not sure what they are, bay windows jut out from your exterior walls (so serious modifications to your home may be required if you select this style for your vinyl window replacement) and are made up of either 3 or 5 different sections which connect to form a bay. In addition to making your home lighter, bay windows extend the room and make it feel bigger. .
- Picture – If you’re thinking “how am I going to be able to see through a picture,” don’t worry! Picture windows don’t actually feature a picture; rather they form a frame around the views outside your home. Contrary to all of the other options we have described during this article, you can’t actually open or close picture windows, which is why you often see them installed alongside other types of windows to provide adequate ventilation (rooms without ventilation can feel very “stuffy”). We’ve installed numerous picture windows in homes across Scarborough, Markham, Durham and Richmond Hill, and people often comment how they like the fact that due to there being no part of the window that moves, they are likely to remain trouble-free for much longer periods of time.
Need help deciding on what style of window you would like for your vinyl window replacement? Why not tap into the decades of industry expertise that the staff at Superior Home Improvements has? We are friendly, honest and reliable, and guarantee to exceed your expectations.